Common Trauma Insurance Exclusions
Although trauma insurance covers a variety of serious injuries and illnesses, there are exceptions to what it can cover.
It’s important to remember that every insurer will have their own policies and guidelines, so it’s best to compare life insurance plans from different providers. With that said, you’ll find the following to be among the most common trauma life insurance exclusions available today:
Exclusion Period
Most trauma insurance plans typically have an exclusion period (also known as a ‘waiting period’) at the start of your policy or when your policy is re-instated. Although this exclusion period varies between insurers, the most common duration is 90 days.
This clause withholds the payment of benefits for any traumatic injuries or illnesses within the exclusion period. This usually concerns major traumatic events like heart attacks, cancer, strokes, and major surgeries like open heart surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery.
There are cases when insurers will waive this exclusion period, but this normally only occurs when transferring from an existing policy or other similar special cases.
Self-harm and Suicide
Any self-inflicted injury or illness will not be covered by most trauma insurance plans. This includes any traumatic event or injury resulting from an intentional act of self-harm.
This also includes death or disabilities from attempted suicides. Like in other types of life insurance, suicide clauses for trauma insurance are usually upheld for the first 13 months of the plan, after which it may be waived by the insurer.
Insurers set these exclusions to prevent people from applying for life insurance plans and intentionally hurting themselves for the sole purpose of getting financial benefits.
Specific Policy Exclusions
If you have a pre-existing medical condition that might increase your risk of suffering from one of the conditions that your trauma policy would cover, the insurer will either seek to exclude that condition or apply a loading to the policy.
Undisclosed Pre-existing Condition
If you fail to disclose a medical condition that would have led to the insurance company providing you with a different assessment to what you may have received, the insurance company might be within their rights to decline your claim or void your policy.
Insurance policies are assessed and approved based on the level of risk that an applicant presents, and any pre-existing condition that was not disclosed at the time of application will often be disregarded.
Always Check Policies and Definitions
Like in other forms of life insurance, it’s important that you check the policies and definitions of your trauma insurance plan before accepting its terms and conditions. Every insurer will have their own definitions and guidelines for their policies, so you should read and understand these before committing to it exclusively. This is even more critical with trauma insurance (compared to other types of life insurance) because it tends to have more specific and defined exclusions.
As always, it’s best to compare life insurance from different insurers to evaluate your options. Given the differences in life insurance exclusions among providers, you’ll find some plans to be better for you than others.
If you need help comparing trauma insurance plans, please contact our team of specialists, who are among the top experts for life insurance comparison Australia wide.
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